Adres lokalizacji
Na mapie tutaj znajdziesz adres (87520 National Trails Highway, San Bernardino County, 92304, United States Of America) Roy's Cafe oraz pobliskie przystanki i parkingi.
Więcej restauracji w pobliżu Roy's Cafe
Rezerwacja stolika
Rezerwacja stolika
Miasto: Palm Springs (w pobliżu San Bernardino County), 2825 E Tahquitz Canyon Way, 92262, Palm Springs, US, United States
"A so funny day we had with wheat and fire, they are the best catering we had in palm springs. they could even be the best eating that is rare for a ca..."
Miasto: San Bernardino County, 81520 National Trails Road, Newberry-Baker, San Bernardino County, United States
Miasto: San Bernardino County, Amboy, San Bernardino County, United States