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Przekaż informację zwrotnąWith Belgian friends, we were delighted by the atmosphere and quality of the meals and, the kindness of the staff. A place to remember.
(Translated by Google) From the entrance, the fresh interior draws the gaze. A lot of nice details. The service is super nice and the drinks are served in a unique way. The chef prepares delicious dishes, nicely garnished and servings are certainly sufficient. Strongly recommended if you are looking for a unique and comfortable place with good food. (Original view) Direct bij het binnenkomen springt de toffe inrichting in het oog. Veel leuke details. De bediening is super vriendelijk en de drankjes worden op een unieke manier geserveerd. De chef maakt heerlijke gerechten, mooi gedresseerd en de porties zijn zeker voldoende. Een aanrader als I een unieke en gezellige locatie met lekker eten zoekt.
(Translated by Google) Beautiful address where I am marvelled every time I visit the enchanting decor. Many tasty dishes on the menu, but the grilled tuna salad and tomato salsa is my favorite! (Original view) Superfijn adresje waar ik me elke keer als ik er kom blijf verwonderen over de feeërieke inrichting. Veel lekkere gerechten op de menukaart maar de salade met gegrilde tonijn en tomatensalsa is m'n favoriet!
(Traduit par Google Au début, cheetah e traits gross opening par leper. Alors que wells alons à l'ntrée de la terrasse que la serveuse discute avec avec déjà servis, dautres dérérérérén quisentérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérés _ Ma femme et moi class characters qui nous avaient invités pas encore arrivis, n'avions plus the consumer ecimately réréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré Pas un mince exploit le lundi! Quelque temps plus tard, ma femme a vu une table devenir disponible et nous décidé the pécher excès the prudence etilier. Wells ne nu's sommes pas plaints. Vive la cuisine! (Une tarte sale avec toutes sort the shrimp. Notre temps d'atte a été récompensé. (Avis d'origin At first, we were really unhealthy treated by the staff. While we waited at the entrance of the terrace on the waitress who served with other clients who were already served, strikes against other users who apparently had reserved, past us and uninvited. When I asked if there was another table for four people, I got a short string, "No!" My wife and I the people who invited us hadn't arrived yet, had no desire to consume here ever again, and I started a phone search for an alternative food. No sinecure on Monday! Some time later, my wife saw a table released and we decided to take it insecure and use it. We didn't complain. Chapeau for the kitchen! In the meantime, we shared with the entire company grown up to five people, an assortment "tarte flambée." (A hearty pie with all kinds of siege. Our waiting time was rewarded.
Nice cozy bar to five hours, then restaurant. Top service first with kindness.
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