Sprzężenie zwrotne
Przekaż informację zwrotną(Trad out par Google) Les meillery fries que nous ayon's jamais mangées, well, avions déjà etenduler et sommes que et quests, grossssssss ve et réréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré We don't have fries like that, we come back regularly.
Excellent burger (exotic) and fries are great! The managers are nice! Get your eyes closed!
Very good frying, and very clean, and very good fries
Translated by Google 'Friture' high-end, fresh dishes, beautiful wind flight, fresh fries, clean, beautiful decoration by Olivier Naessens HIP. It's worth the detour! Original Reviews High class 'frituur', verse schotels, schitterende vol au vent, verse frietjes, clean, prachtige inrichting van Olivier Naessens HIP. Bezoekje waard!
(Translated by Google) Tasty fries, nice location and friendly people (Original view) Lekkere frieten, mooie locatie en vriendelijke mensen
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