Sprzężenie zwrotne
Przekaż informację zwrotną(Translated by Google) We ate very well and at a reasonable price. The service was very friendly. The map is first in Flemish, but in the back, it is again listed in German. This is quite correct. The portions are copyy. (Original view) Wir haben dorm sehr gut gegessen und das auch zu einem angenehmen Preis. Der Service war sehr freundlich. Die Karte steht erst auf Flämisch aber hinten wird sie noch mal auf deutsch aufgelistet. Das ist absolut ok. Die Portionen sind reichlich.
(Traduit par Google) Manger of Helvetia New Style n'était pas à notre programme, corn nuts très agréeable surrogating the rérérérérérénénérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérén L'hospitalité et la pensée des hôtes granted beaucoup plu. You viens the commencer avec cette formula, corns reviendrons bientôt! L'apparence du restaurant ne nus a pas plu, corn heureusement, well adventures of Retravers Cea. Merci messieurs pour le service fantasque et bonne chance! Salutations the Greens (NL) The hospitality and the contemporary of the hosts have stayed with us. Just started this formula, but we'd be back soon! The looks of the restaurant didn't attract us, but luckily we looked through this. Thank you gentlemen for the fantastic service and good luck! Greetings from Growns.
It's the first time I'm going there, but I'm recommending, ma'am's crunches very well served to my big surprise 2 croques on the plate. Be careful it works so well that it's better reserved...
Received and good food
Nice establishment. Calm down.