Miasto: 서귀포, 일주동로 4257, 서귀포 I- 우 63640, South Korea, Korea, Republic of
"Übersetzt von Google) Ich ging auf dem Land essen und aß dann eine formelle Mahlzeit. Ssam, in Eisbecher gehüllt, war eine neue Erfahrung, und ich pac..."
Miasto: 서귀포, 일주서로 222, 서귀포 I- 우 63558, South Korea, Korea, Republic of
"Translated by Google) Personally, I think of the best ice-cream soup restaurant in Jeju. Always serve generously the amount, inside soft and tough ice..."
Miasto: 서귀포, 남원회관로 75, 서귀포 I-, South Korea, Korea, Republic of
"Translated by Google) The party consisted of Gogi noodles and anchovy noodles. I don't know if there are deviations, but I wanted to see if it could b..."