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Makaron Łosoś w Sutton Coldfield

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Miasto: Sutton Coldfield, 20 Hollyfield Rd S, Sutton Coldfield, United Kingdom, B76 1NX
Miejsca do siedzenia na zewnątrz, Parking, Dostęp dla wózków inwalidzkich, Na wynos
Makaron Łosoś

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Średnia cena klucza Makaron Łosoś wynosi:
37 zł

Sprzężenie zwrotne

Te recenzje dotyczą tylko wymienionych składników.

this recipe is very tasty- was something different and has tasted very good. my family isn't so cute- they don't like salmon/fish, but I thought it was great. I always cook again! Maybe I can also make a photo before I get everything up!


this recipe is a great variety on the nudele dining plan. I only took half of the garlic - we would very much like to eat garli but more, in my opinion, too much covered the fish taste, we had forgotten the speck - but did not miss. greetings from th...


hallo, many thanks for the good restorative recipe. the family wanted carbonara, but I still had fresh laughs, he shouldn't land in the müll. perfect compromise! tasted great for everyone. is cooked more often. many greetings kartoffel witch


Czas przygotowania

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