Sałatka Cebulowa w Llandudno
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Miasto: Llandudno, 5 Gloddaeth Street, Llandudno I-LL30 2DD, United Kingdom
Karta MasterCard, Karta Visa, Na wynos, Wino
Średnia cena klucza Sałatka Cebulowa wynosi:
9 zł
Oliwa z oliwek
- Ilość 4 łyżka stołowa (54g)
Cebula Vidalia
- Ilość 1 jednostka (331g)
Sól Gruboziarnista
- Ilość 5g
Pieprz Mielony
- Ilość 3g
Sok z Cytryny
- Ilość 2 łyżka stołowa (31g)
Zielone Sałatowe
- Ilość 12 uncje (340g)
Miękka ser kozi
- Ilość 4 uncje (113g)
Sprzężenie zwrotne
Te recenzje dotyczą tylko wymienionych składników.
The recipe was very tastyI followed the instructions, and found that the amount of dressing produced was about twice as much as needed.
A neighbor gave me several cucumbers, another several tomatoes, and we had several Walla Walla Sweet onions so I needed a recipe I was almost out of Red Wine Vinegar so I used Golden Balsamic
My grandma made this recipe for years and loved it every holiday at her home. She used yellow onions and Italian bread for dipping....mmmm good!